The utility parseIT can help you parse a variety of command outputs without having to delve into REXX programming and imbed the parsing logic within your programs.
In this way, you can quickly re-use some of the parsing templates you have already defined and you can amend existing ones in a matter of seconds.
All the parsing you need to do is carried out by the utility ParseIT to which your main program needs simply pass an input and an output file.
The utility scans the input file and, by using the external information provided in specific library members, parses it and extracts the required fields assigning their value to a number of "S" variables.
These are nothing else than normal variables, from S1 to Sn, which are then packaged together in a table-like format and passed back by writing a number of rows to your output file.
The utility needs only a few simple statements, very similar to HTML tags, to know how to parse the input file.
By means of these tags you can specify, among others, what to look for in an input file, when to start extracting values from it and whether the wanted values are in tabular form or appear only once.
You can also partially format the resulting table by specifying the name of each column and its name.
Clearly, the language does not contemplate every possible combination and may not be used in every single occasion, but it should provide you with a standard set of possibilities with, if well combined, can provide the solution in a variety of situations.